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Union Resignation Sample Letter

The following information reprinted with the permission of the National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation. Such information is not intended to provide legal advice about specific situations. There is no intention to create an attorney-client relationship by offering this information, and anyone’s review of the information shall not be deemed to create such a relationship. For free legal aid about these matters, it is highly recommended that you contact the legal experts at the National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation.

Sample Union Resignation Letter
for Public Sector Employees in a Right to Work State

A sample union resignation/dues revocation letter for workers in Right to Work states (or where no state law or contractual provision requires you to join the union or pay union dues) is provided below. At the same time that you resign from the union, you should also notify your employer.



_______________________ (Appropriate Union Officer)

_______________________ (Union Name)

_______________________ (Union Address)

Dear Sir or Madam:

I am employed by _______(employer)_______ in the Right to Work state of __________________. Effectively immediately, I resign from membership in the local union and all of its affiliated unions.

Since I have resigned my membership in the union, you must now immediately cease enforcing the dues check-off authorization agreement that I signed. That dues check-off authorization was signed solely in conjunction with, and in contemplation of, my becoming a member of the union and, as such, is no longer valid. See IBEW (Lockheed Space Operations Company), 302 NLRB 322 (1991); Washington Gas Light Co., 302 NLRB 425 (1991) (employer in RTW state must cease dues deduction upon receipt of resignation/revocation).

If you refuse to accept this letter as both an effective resignation and an immediately effective dues check-off revocation, I ask that you promptly inform me, in writing, of exactly what steps I must take to effectuate my revocation of the dues check-off authorization. More specifically, if you contend that I must meet a "window period" in order to revoke my dues check-off authorization, I ask that you promptly send me a copy of the actual dues deduction authorization form that I signed, and also tell me specifically what "window period" dates I must meet in order to revoke the dues check-off authorization.


__________________________________ (Name printed)

__________________________________ (Signature)

__________________________________ (Street Address)

__________________________________ (City, State and Zip Code)

__________________________________ (Date)

cc: Employer's Payroll/Personnel Department

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