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Find Your Library Between Starbucks and J. Crew
posted by: Steph | July 20, 2010, 02:04 PM   

Some libraries across the nation are making changes that make a big difference, reports Bookmarks, a branch of the Dallas public library, is reintroducing the community to the public library in a unique setting–in an upscale Dallas shopping mall.

‘“I think what's happening now is really that focus on convenience,’ said Sari Feldman, president of the Public Library Association, a division of the American Library Association. ‘How do we make the public library as convenient as Amazon, Netflix? Part of that is putting library branches in the path of customer.’”

Public libraries around the nation can also be found in grocery stores and with attached coffee shops. Some public libraries even have book return boxes located around their service area to make returns more convenient.

Innovations such as these encourage people to visit, and public libraries have seen a 20% increase in visitors from 1999 to 2008 according to the Institute of Museum and Library Services. The public library system is learning to adapt to the pace of modern life.

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Comments (1)Add Comment
written by Sean Biederman , July 20, 2010

Love the public library as a boutique concept with a catchy name and smart location.

Attaching a coffee shop to the library is a natural fit after seeing how well it works for bookstores. Might even become a sufficient stream of revenue to expand the collection.

That's really remarkable about the 20% increase in visitors over 10 years. Most would probably guess a decline of 20%.

Also, see where this story is atop the social education news rankings.

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