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NEA Announces Dues Increase
posted by: Ruthie | July 08, 2013, 02:25 PM   

During the Independence Day holiday last week, the National Education Association was holding their annual conference in Atlanta. After another solid year of negative press and declining membership, the convention took on a host of controversial issues in 2013. While news is still emerging from the meeting, it should be noted that the Assembly voted to raise dues by a shocking $3 per member. This fee will be assessed on top of already astronomical dues that can run as high as $1200 per year in some states.


The NEA claims the increase in dues will “improve student success and strengthen education professions.” While the new revenues will total more than $6 million for the union coffers, it is unclear how the extra money will exactly accomplish this goal.

Documents cite that some of the funds will go to the “Great Public Schools Grants,” which will support Common Core State Standards (CCSS) implementation, school safety/anti-bullying programs, and technology initiatives.

While the NEA is quick to cite the need for arbitrary programs focused on “reforms,” increasing dues has been a trend in many states that have seen massive decreases in members.


All told, in some states union teachers could potentially pay an additional $25 per year when considering state increases. That's considerable when you account for the fact that this money won't realistically be used for any meaningful member benefit or professional development. Clearly, these union leaders are in a fight for their very lives. Unfortunately it seems that the hard-working teacher is left with bill for union politicking and staff overhead.

Contrarily, AAE has not raised dues in over five years and continues to operate on a lean budget that is laser focused on providing benefits our members need. You can rest assured that AAE will never impose assessments or mandatory one-time fees on our membership. Unlike the NEA, as a purely voluntary organization, we must focus solely on our membership's needs.

What do you think about the raise in dues?
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Comments (2)Add Comment
written by Mrs jones, USA, July 10, 2013

Unions need to face reality. Teachers don't need to pay an organization to sit in the Capitol all day and find fights to pick. Union dues pay for the salailries of union bosses, and many of them make close to six figures. They make teachers believe that they need unions to protect them but that's not true. But tell the truth to a union worker and they get so bitter so quickly. It's time for unions to realize that they are on their way out.
written by Norm Jones-Crystal Lake, IL, July 10, 2013

Educational unions in the U.S. better stop taking dues and then not using them to provide teachers "fair representation" when their rights are infringed by school districts. I expect this to become public knowledge in the Chicago area soon as a state education board and the Chicago Teachers Union have been acting in concert for many years to deny this fair representation in order to keep union coffers healthy. I expect indictments and prison terms. Stay tuned.

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