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Center for Education Reform Releases New Poll
posted by: Ruthie | October 10, 2013, 09:12 PM   

This week, at the Education Nation Summit, the Center for Education Reform (CER) released a nationwide poll demonstrating that Americans increasingly support more accountability for students and schools, and more power for parents.

“As when I founded CER, those who work to change the status quo and replace mediocrity with excellence are often met by resistance or calls for acquiescence by members of their own ’flock‘ who want us to appeal to the reason of our opponents, or government officials who have a vested interest in the status quo,” said CER President, Jeanne Allen. “We took this poll to hear what Americans really think about education. We want their voice to be heard loud and clear,” she continued.

Among the key findings of the nationwide survey of 1,000 adults are as follows:
  • The role of parents in education
    46% of adults say that parents need more say over where their child goes to school.
  • Choice related reforms
    72% of Americans have a favorable opinion of the term “parent choice.”
    74% have a favorable opinion of the term “school choice.”
    Less than 20% have a negative view of these terms.
  • Public school accountability
    62% of respondents are in favor of linking pay to students performance.
    86% demonstrating belief that school systems should have the ability to fire poorly performing teachers.
  • Better methods of meeting the needs of individual students
    Only 24% of adults give state legislatures “excellent” (4%) or “good” (20%) marks for their job performance on school issues.
  • Improving the incorporation of innovation and technology
    70% of those favoring charter schools showed favorability towards “blended learning.”
    Over 60% of men and women supported “blended learning.”

The Pollster who conducted the survey for CER, Kellyanne Conway, of the polling company inc./ WomanTrend, said “Americans continue to place high value on choice, accountability and innovation in education. They believe new technologies should complement traditional learning, and support alternatives to conventional schooling. Even those without school-age children – now a large majority of Americans – view themselves as stakeholders, unafraid to aim higher for America’s children.”

Click here
to read the poll’s summary. 

What do you think about the results? Are most American embracing education reform?
Comment below.  


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