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AAE Celebrates National School Choice Week: Post Your Event!
posted by: Ruthie | January 08, 2013, 03:09 PM   

Teachers, don't forget to get involved during National School Choice Week! Check the calendar of events to see what is going on in your area. If your school would like to participate, its' quick and easy to sign up!

A message from Andrew Campanella, President of National School Choice Week:

There are just 18 days until National School Choice Week kicks off. Every day I hear about exciting and inspiring events that are being planned. I know of so many others that are in the works. Today I'm writing to ask you to post your events to our website as part of "Post Your Event Week." 

Here are three things you can do today to take part:

1. Head to our events page right now and post your event: Posting on the National School Choice Week website gives your event additional publicity and officially makes you a part of the national celebration! It allows you to share, manage and promote your event using social media connections and email. You can also track RSVPs on our website.

2. Once you've posted an event, head to our store to order a National School Choice Week kit filled with our signature yellow scarves, rally signs, balloons and banners. National School Choice Week event kits will truly help brand your event as part of our history-making national celebration. Whether you're planning a huge rally, or a small event at your office, these materials are essential to maximizing the positive publicity and visuals from your National School Choice Week event.

3. Then go to our Facebook page and share a comment about your plans for National School Choice Week. School choice supporters across the country will be tuning in to get some last minute ideas for how they can get involved, so be sure to share your plans whether they're big or small.

With more than 3,500 events planned for National School Choice Week, we're on the verge of making history by joining together in the largest celebration of education reform in American history. But we need to follow through in these last weeks by posting events, spreading the word and making sure we've all got those yellow scarves at the ready.

"Post Your Event Week" is the perfect opportunity to make sure you're all set for National School Choice Week.

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